Register now for Adult and Kids Yoga, Saturday mornings in Arden.
Healing Touch and Yoga for
Body, Mind, and Spirit
Register now for Adult and Kids Yoga, Saturday mornings in Arden.
Healing Touch and Yoga for
Body, Mind, and Spirit
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We feel and function at our best when our natural life-force energy - prana ("pra-nah") or Qi ("chee") - moves freely throughout the body. When that flow of energy get congested it causes imbalances in our physical, mental or emotional well-being and can lead to discomfort, pain or disease. Through the energy work of Healing Touch and the practice of yoga, we can help you keep clear those blocks to wellness.
On the treatment table: Our goal is to employ natural Healing Touch techniques to clear and restore balance to your energy system so that prevention and self-healing can occur.
On the yoga mat: Through a gentle practice of yoga, you'll discover how the union of your breath, physical movements and postures, and mental focus is a powerful tool for restoring and maintaining health.
We care about your overall well-being. Let us help you achieve your optimal wellness!